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Explore the numerology predictions for November 5, 2024, with expert insights from astrologer Chirag Daruwalla.
Number 1 (People born on 1, 10, 19 and 28 of any month)
Ganesha says your involvement in philanthropic bodies bolsters your position in society. This day is going to test you mentally and physically. An acute headache may be in the offing; relax and take it easy. Colleagues admire you as you revel in the accolades showered on you. There is a surprise in store for you, and it`s of the romantic kind. Your lucky number is 17 and your lucky colour is White.
Number 2 (People born on 2, 11, 20 or 29 of any month)
Ganesha says you will do well in all forms of public life. You are happy and satisfied; the day is full of spectacular achievements. Take care of your health during this period. A strong possibility exists for a promotion or business breakthrough. Romance picks up after some hesitant moments. Your lucky number is 11 and your lucky colour is Pink.
Number 3 (People born on 3, 12, 21, 30 of any month)
Ganesha says honour and recognition are showered on you by an authority figure. You are happy and content as communication from afar proves lucrative. An eye problem could become worrisome; seek medical advice. You make a pot of gold but through sheer speculation. Someone very attractive takes the lead in beginning a new relationship. Your lucky number is 4 and your lucky colour is Indigo.
Number 4 (People born on 4, 13, 22 or 31 of any month)
Ganesha says to tread lightly around your boss; the authorities do not seem well-disposed towards you. You will make contact with important people today. You are in high spirits all day, due to your excellent health. Your hard work and intellect throw open new avenues that were closed to you before. Your romantic overtures are reciprocated; not without some hesitation at first. Your lucky number is 2 and your lucky colour is Pink.
Number 5 (People born on 5, 14, 23 of any month)
Ganesha says the time is good to make a generous donation to a charitable organisation. Hectic activity leaves you feeling exhausted and restless throughout the day. You are in high spirits all day, due to your excellent health. Your intellect is on a high and your hunch about the shape of things to come begins to prove right. It`s best that you don`t seek comfort outside your relationship; it spells nothing but trouble. Your lucky number is 15 and your lucky colour is Rosy Brown.
Number 6 (People born on 6, 15 or 24 of any month)
Ganesha says a father figure will help you, should you need it. Do not indulge in avoidable arguments today. An acute headache may be in the offing; relax and take it easy. This is a good day to ask for a promotion, a raise, or simply a day off. Admiration comes your way from unexpected quarters. Your lucky number is 2 and your lucky colour is Pink.
Number 7 (People born on 7, 16, and 25 of any month)
Ganesha says you may get involved in serious litigation or quarrels. You will make contact with important people today. You may need to decide to sell off your car or home. Not a day for you to spend recklessly on luxuries. You are your lively self and much sought out by the opposite sex. Your lucky number is 15 and your lucky colour is Rosy Brown.
Number 8 (People born on 8, 17 and 26 of any month)
Ganesha says you unexpectedly recover something you lost a while ago. A desire to possess the luxuries of life, here and now, prevails throughout the day. You feel great physically; this is the time to embark on a new fitness programme. Your well-honed mental faculties help you plan your projects well. Your ploy at playing hard-to-get works. Your lucky number is 6 and your lucky colour is Cream.
Number 9 (People born on 9, 18 and 27 of any month)
Ganesha says the most glorious opportunity is thrown your way. Your magnetism is on the rise today. The health of a family member may be under suspicion. A promotion or a sound business proposal may come your way, so make the most of it. Someone special does something extra nice for you. Your lucky number is 9 and your lucky colour is Saffron.
(The author Chirag Daruwalla is the son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla).