Rahul Gandhi disqualification: A day after his conviction in a 2019 criminal defamation case, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was disqualified from the Lok Sabha. His disqualification as Wayanad MP was effective from March 23, the day of his conviction. Meanwhile, Gandhi will hold a press conference todat at 1 PM. Earlier on Thursday, the court in Surat sentenced Gandhi to two years in jail in a defamation case, filed on a complaint by BJP MLA Purnesh Modi for his alleged remark, “How come all thieves have Modi as the common surname?” Following his disqualification, Gandhi would not be able to contest elections for eight years unless a higher court stays his conviction and sentence. Notably, Congress said it will fight the battle legally and politically for its former president. Meanwhile, Congress has also announced a nationwide agitation against Rahul Gandhi’s disqualification, alleging that the government acted with lightning speed to “gag” him, and called for taking forward the opposition unity in a systematic manner.