Director S Shankar’s daughter, Aishwarya Shankar, tied the knot with Tarun Karthikeyan in Chennai on April 15. The star-studded wedding ceremony was attended by several popular personalities including Rajinikanth, Chiranjeevi, Ram Charan, Janhvi Kapoor, MK Stalin, among many others. Several pictures and videos from the ceremony are doing rounds on the internet and one such video is of actor Ranveer Singh and director Atlee Kumar. In the viral video, Ranveer is seen adjusting Atlee’s outfit before he starts dancing. The Jawan director surprises everyone suddenly by shaking a leg on a popular Tamil track.
Watch the viral video:
Aishwarya is Shankar’s eldest daughter and also happens to be a doctor by profession. This is her second marriage post her divorce from cricketer Damodaran Rohit. On the work front, Shankar is currently working on two films simultaneously.
He is directing Ram Charan’s Telugu film Game Changer. In the film, Ram Charan will be seen in triple roles. Other actors who will be seen playing important roles in the film include Kiara Advani, Anjali, Jayaram, Sunil and Srikanth. Game Changer is reportedly made on a huge budget of Rs 250 crore. The film’s soundtrack and background score are composed by Thaman S, which is his third collaboration with Ram Charan after Naayak (2013) and Bruce Lee: The Fighter (2015).
S Shankar is also directing Kamal Haasan-starrer Indian 2. The film also features SJ Suryah, Kajal Aggarwal, and Rakul Preet Singh in key roles. Indian 2 is also a huge-budget film and is reportedly made on a budget of nearly Rs 250 crore. Bankrolled by Lyca Productions and Red Giant Movies, the film will hit the big screens on June 13 this year.
(With ANI inputs)
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